Atheist Activist Group Demands That City Remove Cross From Vietnam War Monument

Atheist Activist Group Demands That City Remove Cross From Vietnam War Monument

Coos Bay, Oregon — A nationally-known atheist activist organization is demanding that a city in Oregon immediately remove a cross from a publicly-displayed  monument that honors those who died in the Vietnam War. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) recently sent a letter to officials in Coos Bay, Oregon, stating that the monument displayed in […]

Starbucks CEO to Shareholder: If You Support Biblical Marriage, Sell Your Shares

Starbucks CEO to Shareholder: If You Support Biblical Marriage, Sell Your Shares

Seattle, Washington — At the annual Starbucks shareholder’s meeting this past Wednesday in Seattle, company officials told those who support Biblical marriage that they “can sell [their] shares in Starbucks and buy shares in another company.” According to reports, during the meeting, the founder of Corporate Morality Action Center expressed concerns over the company’s support […]

Kentucky Governor Vetoes Religious Freedom Bill Citing Public Safety, Homosexual ‘Rights’ Concerns

Kentucky Governor Vetoes Religious Freedom Bill Citing Public Safety, Homosexual ‘Rights’ Concerns

Frankfort, Kentucky — The governor of Kentucky recently vetoed a bill that was designed to protect religious freedom in the Bluegrass State, remarking that it raised concerns over potential ramifications, such as public safety and homosexual rights violations. Governor Steve Beshear, a Democrat, rejected The Religious Freedom Act on Friday, releasing a statement following his […]

Washington Lawmakers Propose Bill to Mandate Insurance Companies to Cover Abortions

Washington Lawmakers Propose Bill to Mandate Insurance Companies to Cover Abortions

Olympia, Washington — Lawmakers in Washington State are considering enacting a law that would mandate insurance companies in the state to provide coverage for abortion, making Washington the first-ever in the nation’s history to do so. At a time when 21 states across the country restrict abortion services from being covered by local insurance providers, […]

Georgia Mom in Mourning After Teen Thieves Shoot to Death Sleeping 13-Month-Old Son in Stroller

Georgia Mom in Mourning After Teen Thieves Shoot to Death Sleeping 13-Month-Old Son in Stroller

Brunswick, Georgia — Two teenage suspects were taken into custody Friday in Georgia after authorities investigated the shooting death of a 13-month-old baby who was killed Thursday while sleeping in his stroller. The suspects are 17 and 14 years old, the first being identified as De’Marquis Elkins, who will be charged as an adult. The name […]

North Dakota Lawmakers Approve Measure to Place ‘Personhood’ Amendment on State Ballot

Bismarck, North Dakota — Legislators in North Dakota have approved a proposition to place a personhood amendment on the state ballot, making North Dakota the first in United States history to do so with the backing of both the House and Senate. As previously reported, North Dakota has passed a string of pro-life measures in […]

Kansas House Overwhelmingly Passes Bill Declaring Life Begins at Fertilization

Topeka, Kansas — Members of the Kansas House of Representatives have overwhelmingly passed a sweeping abortion bill that, among other regulations, declares that life begins at fertilization. It now moves to the Senate for deliberation. “The legislature hereby finds and declares the following: (1) The life of each human being begins at fertilization; (2) unborn children have interests […]

Methodist University Expels Chick-fil-A From Campus

Methodist University Expels Chick-fil-A From Campus

Atlanta, Georgia — A university founded by Methodists in the 1800’s has decided to expel the popular fast food chain Chick-fil-A from campus, raising questions about whether the decision was over the company’s beliefs in Biblical marriage. Representatives from the school admit that it was a factor, but state that other reasons weighed in on the […]