Wife of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Makes Emotional Plea During Congressional Hearing

Wife of American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran Makes Emotional Plea During Congressional Hearing

Washington, D.C. — The wife of an American pastor that has been sentenced to eight years in an Iranian prison for planting house churches in the country delivered an emotional plea for help during a Congressional hearing on Friday. “Our family needs your help,” she said tearfully. “Our family needs your support.” Negmeh Abedini told […]

Kansas and Kentucky Move to Protect Religious Freedom

Kansas and Kentucky Move to Protect Religious Freedom

Members of the House of Representatives in Kansas and Kentucky have passed bills protecting religious freedom in the state. The Kansas Preservation of Religious Liberty Act passed the House overwhelmingly last week, a move that will further protect the rights of conscience and the free exercise of religion. “Government shall not substantially burden a person’s […]

Conservative Senator Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Because of ‘Gay’ Son

Conservative Senator Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Because of ‘Gay’ Son

Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), who was on Mitt Romney’s VP shortlist last year, has published an op-ed in the Columbus Dispatch stating that he now supports same-sex marriage—because his son is “gay.” He writes, “I’ve thought a great deal about this issue, and like millions of Americans in recent years, I’ve changed my mind on the question of marriage […]

Teen’s Poem Against Homosexuality Goes Viral, Sends Same-Sex Advocates Into a Spiral

Teen’s Poem Against Homosexuality Goes Viral, Sends Same-Sex Advocates Into a Spiral

A YouTube video that features a teenage girl delivering a poem about why homosexuality is not God’s design for relationships has gone viral, while also meeting opposition from homosexual advocates who have criticized the production. The video, entitled Rated T for Tolerance, was posted last Summer, but for an unknown reason, has suddenly garnered a […]

Atheist Group Sues U.S. Government Demanding ‘In God We Trust’ Be Removed From Currency

Atheist Group Sues U.S. Government Demanding ‘In God We Trust’ Be Removed From Currency

Madison, Wisconsin — A prominent atheist activist group has filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to have the historic phrase “In God We Trust” removed from the nation’s currency. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) issued a press release this week about the suit, advising that the case is being handled by well-known atheist […]

Texas Senate Committee Approves Bill to Expel Planned Parenthood From Public Schools

Texas Senate Committee Approves Bill to Expel Planned Parenthood From Public Schools

Austin, Texas — A legislative committee in Texas has approved a bill that seeks to expel the abortion provider Planned Parenthood from public schools in the state. The bill, introduced by Republican Senator Ken Paxton, was approved in the Senate Education Committee by a 6-2 vote. The two dissenting senators were both Democrats: Royce West […]

Ecuadorean Preacher Fined $3,000, Banned From Politics for Calling Homosexuality ‘Immoral’

Ecuadorean Preacher Fined $3,000, Banned From Politics for Calling Homosexuality ‘Immoral’

An evangelical preacher in Ecuador who ran for president earlier this year has been sentenced after he was found guilty of violating the country’s electoral code by speaking against homosexual behavior. Nelson Zavala has been fined for more than $3,000 and banned from running for office or being involved with any political party for one […]

Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill to Protect Students’ Religious Freedom in School

Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill to Protect Students’ Religious Freedom in School

Jackson, Mississippi — The state legislature of Mississippi has voted to approve a bill that seeks to protect the rights of students to practice and express their faith in the public school system. “The Mississippi Student Religious Liberties Act of 2013” was introduced by Representative Mark Formby, a Republican, who has attempted to pass similar measures […]

San Francisco Bus Ads Exposing Islam Denounced By City Officials

San Francisco Bus Ads Exposing Islam Denounced By City Officials

San Francisco civic officials have denounced a “racist” anti-Muslim ad campaign underway in the city. Controversial ads with jihadist slogans have appeared on 10 city buses, all of which bear incendiary Islamist quotes. Those who use public transit in San Francisco, or just pay attention to its ads, might run into the following statements: “Killing […]

Federal Government Funds $1.5 Million Study to Find Out Why Lesbians Are Overweight

Federal Government Funds $1.5 Million Study to Find Out Why Lesbians Are Overweight

Washington, D.C. — The federal government is funding a $1.5 million study that will be conducted by a Harvard-affiliated hospital on why lesbian women are overweight. The National Institutes of Health, through its Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, provided two grants to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston to conduct […]