An animated series on the Disney Channel that centers on the adventures of a teenage girl who travels to another world and becomes a witch’s apprentice features the first bisexual character to air on the youth-aimed station, it has been revealed. “The Owl House” creator Dana Terrace recently outlined on Twitter that as she herself […]
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A federal judge appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump has granted a temporary injunction to a Kentucky photographer who filed a preemptive lawsuit to ensure the City of Louisville doesn’t punish her for declining to shoot same-sex weddings. However, the judge also said that art, being a form of speech, […]
LOS ANGELES — A California appeals court on Saturday overturned a temporary injunction that prohibited Los Angeles County from enforcing an order prohibiting indoor church services, a day after a trial judge allowed renowned pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church to hold gatherings in the building’s sanctuary. The church proceeded with services as usual […]
LOS ANGELES — According to a post from an attorney representing John MacArthur and Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, a judge has allowed the church to hold indoor worship services with no attendance cap as MacArthur’s lawsuit challenging the ban on indoor church gatherings moves forward. The church has agreed to social distance […]
DALLAS — A mother who insists that her son identifies as a girl has been granted her request that her son continue to attend public school, where he has been regarded as female, instead of being homeschooled as the child’s father wishes. A judge has also required that the child’s father attend costly therapy sessions, […]
ASHBURNHAM, Mass. — Officials in Massachusetts have painted over a biblical children’s display on the grounds of a town-owned playground in Ashburnham following receipt of a letter from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). The atheist-led organization wrote a letter on July 22 after reportedly being contacted by “a concerned community member.” It explained […]
ATLANTA — The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Georgia has upheld an injunction against a Florida school district policy that prohibited a female student who identified as male from using the men’s restroom. “A public school may not punish its students for gender nonconformity. Neither may a public school harm transgender students by establishing arbitrary, […]
LOS ANGELES — Renowned pastor John MacArthur, who leads Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, has filed suit against Gov. Gavin Newsom, officials with the Los Angeles County Health Department and others, to challenge the prohibition on in-person church services, over which he is being threatened with fines and/or jail time. “Defendants’ mandates are […]
LEAWOOD, Kan. — The wife of a Baptist pastor in Kansas disappeared more than a week ago while traveling to Alabama to be present for the birth of her sister’s baby and to obtain help for mental health issues. According to reports, Marilane Carter, 36, the wife of Leawood Baptist Church pastor Adam Carter, kept […]
The Hallmark Channel, whose parent company advised last month that it would be including “LGBT” themes in its holiday lineup at the end of 2020, is not waiting until December to incorporate the sin of homosexuality into its original movie lineup. In what is believed to be a first for the network, online videos promoting […]