Colorado Federal Judge Acts to Block Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

Colorado Federal Judge Acts to Block Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

A federal judge has moved to block the enforcement of a section of Obamacare that was stated to conflict with Christian and religious values. Senior Judge John L. Kane of the United States District Court for the District of Colorado granted a preliminary injunction against the health care mandate on Friday, specifically the requirement that […]

American Cancer Society: ‘Planned Parenthood Delivers More Children Than Any Other Medical Practice’

American Cancer Society: ‘Planned Parenthood Delivers More Children Than Any Other Medical Practice’

The American Cancer Society recently claimed that the abortion provider Planned Parenthood “delivers more children than any other medical practice in the U.S.” Its comments came in the form of a letter of response to a pro-lifer that expressed disapproval of the organization’s financial support of Planned Parenthood when she received correspondence requesting a monetary […]

Conservative Darling Chief Justice John Roberts Joins Liberal Justices in Saving Obamacare

Conservative Darling Chief Justice John Roberts Joins Liberal Justices in Saving Obamacare

In today’s 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obamacare with conservative darling and chief justice, John G. Roberts, Jr., writing the decision, holding that the federal government may impose tax penalties on those who do not have health insurance. Roberts, a Roman Catholic nominated by former President George W. Bush, joined the four liberal […]

TIME Magazine Publishes Controversial “How to Die” Article

TIME Magazine has raised a lot of eyebrows since publishing a front page article on Monday entitled “How to Die.” In the article, reporter Joe Klein outlines the journey he went through when his parents became sick and were hospitalized. While controversy exists as to whether Klein is promoting eugenics or euthanasia in his article, […]

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