Record Crowds Flock to Chick-fil-A to Show That Christians Won’t Chicken Out Over Biblical Marriage

Record Crowds Flock to Chick-fil-A to Show That Christians Won’t Chicken Out Over Biblical Marriage

Record crowds turned out yesterday to “eat mor chikin” in support of a popular restaurant chain that recently came under fire for its belief in Biblical marriage. Chick-fil-A was swamped with mass crowds throughout the day at its more than 1,600 locations across the country as part of “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.” The event was organized […]

Christians Gather in North Carolina to Expose Incineration Plant Burning Bodies of Aborted Babies

Christians Gather in North Carolina to Expose Incineration Plant Burning Bodies of Aborted Babies

A number of Christians from across the country gathered today in North Carolina to expose and reprove a medical waste company that reportedly burns the bodies of aborted babies. The organizations Operation Save America (OSA) and Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) are working in conjunction to speak out against the medical waste company Stericycle, which […]

Christian Colleges Vowing to Defy Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

Christian Colleges Vowing to Defy Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

A number of Christian colleges have filed suit against the Obama administration for the contraception mandate that is included in the recently upheld health care bill, and have vowed to defy the requirement even if the courts do not rule in their favor. The Affordable Health Care Act requires religious employers to assist workers with […]

Atheist Lobbying Group Wants Government to Force Christians Nationwide to Violate Convictions

Atheist Lobbying Group Wants Government to Force Christians Nationwide to Violate Convictions

An atheist organization has launched a national legislative effort urging government to strike down laws that protect the Biblical convictions of Christians, and to promote legislation that is antithetical to Christian values. The Secular Coalition of America, led by executive director Edwina Rogers, says that it is working to set up lobbying groups in every […]

Internet Evangelist Urges Christians to Write-In Jesus for President

Internet Evangelist Urges Christians to Write-In Jesus for President

An internet evangelist is urging Christians to write-in Jesus for president this November. Bill Keller runs a website called, which reportedly has 2.4 million subscribers. He also recently launched a website called, which he states has garnered 200,000 individuals who have committed to write in Jesus for president during the upcoming election. “It’s […]

Christian Student Ordered to Undergo Homosexual Sensitivity Training Loses Suit

Christian Student Ordered to Undergo Homosexual Sensitivity Training Loses Suit

A federal judge in Georgia has dismissed the lawsuit of a college student who contested her university’s demand that she attend a remediation program in support of the homosexual lifestyle. Jennifer Keeton says that she was was enrolled in Augusta State University’s Counselor Education Program in 2010, when she was reprimanded by officials for reportedly […]

Phoenix Cracks Down on Christians Giving Out Bottled Water While Witnessing in Scorching Desert Heat

Phoenix Cracks Down on Christians Giving Out Bottled Water While Witnessing in Scorching Desert Heat

PHOENIX, Ariz. — Phoenix officials recently cracked down on Christians who were handing out bottled water during an evangelistic outreach in the city. Patrick Moore and Dana Crow-Smith say that they were prohibited from giving away bottled water last Friday at the city’s monthly “First Friday” festival as they were witnessing to event attendees on […]

Christians on Edge in Nigeria Following Islamic Attacks

Christians on Edge in Nigeria Following Islamic Attacks

Christians in Nigeria are on edge following the recent insurgent attacks on churches by the Islamic group Boko Haram. According to reports, a number of businesses closed in the city of Kaduna Thursday, and parents rushed to pick their children up from school, among rumors that protests might take place following a car bomb the […]