Christians in India’s Karnataka State Endure Spike in Persecution

Christians in India’s Karnataka State Endure Spike in Persecution

(International Christian Concern) – Since the beginning of 2020, there has been a dramatic escalation in Christian persecution in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Reports of violent attacks on the state’s Christians, often justified by false accusations of forced religious conversions, have become a regular part of the news. Many Christians in Karnataka are […]

Babies Saved From Death While Christians Cited, Arrested in Charlotte Amid Stay-at-Home Order

Babies Saved From Death While Christians Cited, Arrested in Charlotte Amid Stay-at-Home Order

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A number of Christians in North Carolina were cited and/or arrested on Saturday as they stood spread apart from each other on the sidewalk outside of an abortion facility that remained open and operating during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In the midst of the citations and arrests, at least two babies were […]

Detroit Police’s Corona Crackdown on Christians Outside Abortion Facility Ends With Twin Babies Being Saved

Detroit Police’s Corona Crackdown on Christians Outside Abortion Facility Ends With Twin Babies Being Saved

 DETROIT — In a video posted to social media, approximately eight uniformed police officers showed up to enforce Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order against peaceful Christians who were outside of an open abortion facility during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to reach mothers with biblical truth. The men state that one woman later spared […]

Indian Evangelicals Confirm 366 Cases of Violence Against Christians in 2019

Indian Evangelicals Confirm 366 Cases of Violence Against Christians in 2019

(Evangelical Focus) — The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) has released the Religious Liberty Commission (RLC) report “Hate and Targeted Violence Against Christians in 2019.” According to the report, “in 2019,the Christian community in India continued to face incidents of targeted violence and hate crimes. The RLC recorded 366 incidents where Christians have been targeted […]

Christians Suffer Police Brutality, Illegal Arrests in Uttar Pradesh, India

Christians Suffer Police Brutality, Illegal Arrests in Uttar Pradesh, India

HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Forcing them to pose like Christ on the cross, police last week beat Christians in custody on baseless charges in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state, sources said. On March 15 a church of 200 people was immersed in a Sunday service when 30 Hindu extremists brandishing hockey sticks and steel rods […]

Indian Couple Assaulted for Distributing Christian Tracts

Indian Couple Assaulted for Distributing Christian Tracts

(Christian Solidarity Worldwide) — Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has called on police in Tamil Nadu, India, to take action to investigate an incident in which a Christian couple from Pakkam village, Gudiyatham, Vellore District were assaulted and humiliated for sharing Christian gospel tracts. Babu Phinegas and his wife Esther have been local traders for the […]

Chinese Mother Faces Court for Choosing Christian Schooling

Chinese Mother Faces Court for Choosing Christian Schooling

BEIHAI, Guangxi (ChinaAid) — This week, a Christian mother in China faced a court because she chose not to send her child to public schools. Fan Ruzhen refused public education for her child, choosing homeschooling or Christian schooling instead. Because of this, officials summoned her several times and threatened to revoke her government-provided subsistence paycheck. […]

Two Christians Killed in Kenya Al-Shabaab Attack

Two Christians Killed in Kenya Al-Shabaab Attack

(International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on Wednesday, March 11, two Christians were killed and another was abducted when suspected al-Shabaab militants attacked two vehicles on the road between Elwak and Mandera in northeastern Kenya. This region has become a common location for the terror group to conduct attacks, in […]