Chinese Christians in Spain Discuss Discrimination From Those Who Equate Chinese With Coronavirus

Chinese Christians in Spain Discuss Discrimination From Those Who Equate Chinese With Coronavirus

(Evangelical Focus) — The Chinese Christian Church has 34 communities throughout Spain, with more than 7,000 members. In this local church alone, more than 350 people gather each week, in the two worship services they celebrate on Sunday mornings and in the afternoon. … Our meeting with some leaders of the Chinese Christian Church in […]

Italian Churches Suspend Worship Services, But Call Upon Christians to Face Coronavirus With ‘Trust, Not Fear’

Italian Churches Suspend Worship Services, But Call Upon Christians to Face Coronavirus With ‘Trust, Not Fear’

(Evangelical Focus) — Italy has become the epicentre of the Covid-19 crisis in Europe, as the death toll in the country soared to 366 on Monday, with around 7,300 people more infected. In the Northern region of Lombardy, more than 10 million people are under new quarantine rules. The government has announced the closure of […]

Families of Three Christian Schoolteachers Killed in Kenya Receive Aid

Families of Three Christian Schoolteachers Killed in Kenya Receive Aid

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – The families of three Christian schoolteachers killed by Islamic extremists in northeastern Kenya have suffered loss beyond words, but aid from donors in Ireland is helping to compensate for lost income, they said. Somalia-based Al Shabaab militants on Jan. 13 killed Titus Sasaka, a member of the New Testament Church of […]

Iranian Christian Sentenced to Two More Years in Prison Over ‘Evangelical Zionist Christianity’ Church Membership

Iranian Christian Sentenced to Two More Years in Prison Over ‘Evangelical Zionist Christianity’ Church Membership

(Article18) — Christian convert Ismaeil Maghrebinejad has been sentenced to an additional two years in prison. The 65-year-old was sentenced in January to three years in prison for “insulting Islamic sacred beliefs.” Now, following a court hearing on Feb. 27, he has been sentenced to an additional two years in prison for “membership of a […]

Christian in Pakistan Tortured to Death for Bathing in Muslims’ Well

Christian in Pakistan Tortured to Death for Bathing in Muslims’ Well

(International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Saleem Masih, a 22-year-old Pakistani Christian, was severely tortured by a Muslim landlord in Pakistan’s Kasur District because he used the landlord’s tube-well to bathe. Three days later, on Feb. 28, Saleem died at Lahore General Hospital due to the severity of his injuries. […]

Christians Accused of ‘Forceful Conversion’ and Assaulted by Police in India’s Tamil Nadu State

Christians Accused of ‘Forceful Conversion’ and Assaulted by Police in India’s Tamil Nadu State

(Christian Solidarity Worldwide) — Nine Christians were beaten by the police on Feb. 21 after being accused of “forceful conversion” in the town of Sathankulam, Thoothukudi District, in India’s Tamil Nadu state. On Feb. 18, Pastor Shajin from Devasabai church led a team of seven pastors from Rameswaram town to Sathankulam, where they were met […]