(Barnabas Aid) — A spokesman for the Al-Shabaab terror group active in Somalia declared coronavirus as a “punishment visited by Allah upon the disbelievers” in an audio message reported on April 27. As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Mogadishu began to climb, the militant, known as Ali Dhere, called on Muslims to gloat […]
(Press & Journal) — More than 300 boxes of food were given out to people in need at the Living Hope Church on Schoolhouse Road in Londonderry Township on Friday. It was the second time the church has given away the boxes each filled with 35 to 40 pounds of perishable and nonperishable food. The […]
(Christian News Network) — More than 100 pastors recently signed a letter to the Ohio Board of Education, which was also sent to 39 school districts, to express opposition to yoga and transcendental meditation being taught in schools as they are rooted in Eastern religion and are a spiritual practice at their core. The letter, […]
(The Christian Institute) — A new mother who was helped to save her own baby after taking an abortion pill has reversed her pro-abortion stance. After becoming pregnant, Rita and her fiancee decided to have an abortion at eight weeks. But on their way home from the clinic, where she had taken the first of […]
SYDNEY (Christian News Network) — A ministry director in Australia who served as a pastor in Scotland for 27 years is lamenting that many Christian leaders seem to be leaving the call to repentance from sin out of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “In this recent Covid-19 crisis, it has struck me how the […]
CINCINNATI (Christian News Network) — The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has unanimously ruled that Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear must allow churches to hold drive-in services, partly siding with a church where troopers had placed violation notices on every car in the parking lot on Easter Sunday. The church had allowed members to either sit inside or […]
BUCKS COUNTY, Pa. (Christian News Network) — A 100-year-old woman with asthma recently beat the novel coronavirus, and her family is crediting their Christian faith for her survival. Edith Brachman turned 100 last summer and moved into a nursing home over the winter. Last month, she tested positive for the coronavirus. Brachman’s granddaughter, Kelly Venner, took […]
(The Christian Institute) — A woman who lives as if she is a man cannot be recorded as the father on her child’s birth certificate, the U.K. Court of Appeal has ruled. The three judges upheld the high court’s ruling from September, saying that the law requires those who give birth to be listed as […]
VIENNA, Ill. (WSIL) — Johnson County Sheriff Pete Sopczak announced Thursday evening his department’s stance on enforcing the extension of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a post on the department’s Facebook page, the sheriff’s department said, “We will not force any business to close or arrest anyone for conducting […]
WASHINGTON (Christian News Network) — The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops have joined together to “consecrate” their nations to the care of Mary on May 1 and to ask that she intercede to Jesus during the COVID pandemic. Evangelicals believe that such practices are unbiblical as the Bible […]