Christian Chinese Human Rights Defender Denied Cancer Treatments

Christian Chinese Human Rights Defender Denied Cancer Treatments

(ChinaAid) — A Christian human rights defender is in need of urgent cancer treatment that she cannot afford after a Chinese medical team canceled a critical operation. Huang Yan, a 47-year-old Christian woman who has assisted many prisoners of conscience, including Gao Zhisheng, was refused a necessary operation for her ovarian cancer, despite previously having […]

Survey Finds Professing Christians Apathetic Toward Plight of Syrian Refugees

Survey Finds Professing Christians Apathetic Toward Plight of Syrian Refugees

Syria (Mission Network News) — While the conflict in Syria intensifies, it seems as if Americans—specifically Christians—are only becoming more apathetic. According to a survey by World Vision, 38 percent of those who described themselves as committed Christians had taken action for refugees in the past two years—a six percent drop from 2015. In 2015, […]

Christians Warn Upcoming ‘Shack’ Movie Depicting God as Woman Could ‘Far Outweigh’ Harm of Novel

Christians Warn Upcoming ‘Shack’ Movie Depicting God as Woman Could ‘Far Outweigh’ Harm of Novel

Christian leaders who have issued warnings about William P. Young’s bestselling novel “The Shack,” which portrays God as a woman and espouses universalistic beliefs, state that if the scheduled national film release is faithful to the text of the book, its distribution could “far outweigh” the harm already done to souls through the printed page. […]

Nigerian Christians Face Pressure to Abandon Faith

Nigerian Christians Face Pressure to Abandon Faith

(World Watch Monitor) — While violent attacks on Christians at the hands of Islamist militants Boko Haram and the Fulani herdsmen in the northeast and Middle Belt of Nigeria have captured media attention, the persistent social pressures Christians face elsewhere go mostly unnoticed. Despite common misperceptions that they are a minority across the north of […]

Human Rights Activist: Mexico ‘In Denial’ Over Christians Forced Out of Homes for Their Beliefs

Human Rights Activist: Mexico ‘In Denial’ Over Christians Forced Out of Homes for Their Beliefs

(World Watch Monitor) — Mexico has a “policy of denial” about the thousands of evangelical Christians forced out of their homes because of their beliefs, according to a Mexican human rights activist. Pedro Faro Navarro, director of the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Centre, accused the government of “making up the figures” of […]

Prominent Baptist Minister Says ‘Gay Marriage’ Is ‘Law of Land,’ Christians Need to Move on to Abortion

Prominent Baptist Minister Says ‘Gay Marriage’ Is ‘Law of Land,’ Christians Need to Move on to Abortion

DALLAS, Texas — Like President-elect Donald Trump, a prominent Baptist minister in Texas who backed Trump’s campaign efforts says that despite his opposition, same-sex “marriage” is “settled law,” and Christians should move on to another issue, such as abortion. Robert Jeffress, who leads First Baptist Church in Dallas, spoke last week with Good Morning Texas, which noted […]

Three Evangelical Christians Stated to Be Among Columbia Plane Crash Survivors

Three Evangelical Christians Stated to Be Among Columbia Plane Crash Survivors

(Evangelical Focus) — Three football (soccer) players, a stewardess, an airplane technician and a journalist have survived the airplane crash in Colombia, in which other 75 people lost their lives. “The situation is complicated, difficult. Only God can give us strength now. Thank you God,” wrote Amanda, the wife of Alan Ruschel on Instagram after […]

Former Muslim Sheikh in Eastern Uganda Attacked for Embracing Christianity

Former Muslim Sheikh in Eastern Uganda Attacked for Embracing Christianity

BUFUJA, Uganda (Morning Star News) – Muslim villagers in eastern Uganda on Nov. 23 destroyed the maize crops of a former Islamic sheikh (teacher) in eastern Uganda who was beaten unconscious after revealing his faith in Christ, sources said. The day before his fields were destroyed, 30-year-old Malik Higenyi of Bufuja village, Butaleja District, received threatening […]

Appeals Court Upholds School District’s Order for Teacher to Cleanse Christianity From Classroom

Appeals Court Upholds School District’s Order for Teacher to Cleanse Christianity From Classroom

CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. — An appeals court has upheld a lower court ruling siding with a New York school district that instructed a teacher to cleanse Christianity from her classroom under threat of termination. The Buffalo News reports that the Second Circuit Court of Appeals this month rejected the arguments of high school biology and anatomy […]