Members of Scottish Parliament Call for Memorial to Honor Christian Heroine of the Holocaust

Members of Scottish Parliament Call for Memorial to Honor Christian Heroine of the Holocaust

 (The Christian Institute) — Politicians have called for a national memorial to be built in honor of a Christian heroine of the Holocaust. Jane Mathison Haining was a Scottish missionary in Hungary who refused to stop caring for Jewish girls as World War II broke out. Despite orders to return home, she wrote, “If […]

‘My Fear Is that We’re Too Quiet,’ Say Iranian Christian Survivors of Persecution

‘My Fear Is that We’re Too Quiet,’ Say Iranian Christian Survivors of Persecution

(Article18) — Three Christian women survivors of persecution in Iran have called upon the international community to make more noise on behalf of persecuted Christians in Iran. “My fear is that we’re too quiet,” said Dabrina Bet-Tamraz, whose brother, Ramiel, is currently in prison in Tehran because of his Christian evangelism, and whose father, Victor, […]

Judge Rules Boston Officials Committed No Wrong in Denying Request to Fly Christian Flag at City Hall During Event

Judge Rules Boston Officials Committed No Wrong in Denying Request to Fly Christian Flag at City Hall During Event

BOSTON — A federal judge appointed to the bench by then-President Barack Obama has ruled in favor of the City of Boston after it was again sued over its rejection of a group’s application to fly the Christian flag outside City Hall during an event celebrating the religious history of the city and the contributions made […]

Three Iranian Christians Granted Early Release from Prison

Three Iranian Christians Granted Early Release from Prison

(Article18) — Three Iranian Christian converts have been granted early release from prison, reports Middle East Concern. Asghar Salehi was released from Eqlid Prison yesterday after serving two months of his six-month sentence. Mohammad Reza Rezaei and a third convert known only as “A.T.” are due to be released on Saturday. Article18’s Advocacy Director, Mansour […]

Christian Association of Nigeria Launches Three Days of Prayer and Fasting in Response to Violence Against Believers

Christian Association of Nigeria Launches Three Days of Prayer and Fasting in Response to Violence Against Believers

(Christian Solidarity Worldwide) — The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has called on churches in Nigeria and abroad to join in three days of “Special Fasting and Prayer,” commencing on Jan. 31. The initiative is being launched in response to “the gruesome murder of the Chairman of CAN Michika Local Government Area of Adamawa State, […]

Sudanese Christian Businessman Detained at Airport Upon Return From Exile

Sudanese Christian Businessman Detained at Airport Upon Return From Exile

(Christian Solidarity Worldwide) — Sudanese Christian businessman Ashraf Samir Mousad Obid was detained at Khartoum Airport on Jan. 27 under the orders of the General Intelligence Service (GIS). Obid was returning to Sudan for the first time since fleeing the country in 2015, following a campaign of harassment by the National Intelligence and Security Service […]

‘Lord, Forgive Our Persecutors’ Say Christians Brutally Attacked in Muslim Rohingya Backlash

‘Lord, Forgive Our Persecutors’ Say Christians Brutally Attacked in Muslim Rohingya Backlash

(Barnabas Fund) — One Rohingya Christian is missing and twelve were seriously injured, including several children, in multiple attacks by Rohingya Muslim mobs on the isolated Rohingya Christian community in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp, Bangladesh. The attacks are thought to be a backlash in the wake of UN Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee’s statement, on Jan. […]