Christian Radio Station Has Opportunity to Broadcast Signal ‘Unblockable by North Korean Regime’

Christian Radio Station Has Opportunity to Broadcast Signal ‘Unblockable by North Korean Regime’

(Evangelical Focus) — North Korea is the most dangerous country in the world for Christians, according to Open Doors World Watch List. “If Christians are discovered, not only are they deported to labor camps as political criminals or even killed on the spot, their families will share their fate as well. Christians do not even […]

Officials Destroy Christian School, Hostel and Founder’s Home in Eastern India

Officials Destroy Christian School, Hostel and Founder’s Home in Eastern India

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Authorities seized 12 tearful, fatherless children from a Christian ministry in eastern India last month after local officials demolished the ministry’s school and hostel, sources said. After Hindu extremists persuaded the district collector to demolish the hostel and school serving 250 students, child protection personnel and police on May […]

Christians Among Groups Targeted by Myanmar Armed Forces

Christians Among Groups Targeted by Myanmar Armed Forces

Myanmar (Mission Network News) — In a new report, human rights watchdog Amnesty International indicted Myanmar’s government of war crimes and called upon the international community to respond. Amnesty claims military forces “have killed and injured civilians in indiscriminate attacks since January 2019… [and] carried out extrajudicial executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and other ill-treatment” in […]

Muslim Mob in Kenya Destroys Churches and Christian Shops

Muslim Mob in Kenya Destroys Churches and Christian Shops

(International Christian Concern) – Nearly two weeks ago, a disagreement between Muslims and the local community in Kiamaiko, Nairobi, culminated in a mass attack by young Muslim men. The mob injured several Christians and destroyed the property of four churches: Kingdom Gospel for All Nations Ministry, Evangelical Victory Church International, End Time Army Church, and […]

Armed Gunmen Kidnap 19 Christians, Kill One in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Armed Gunmen Kidnap 19 Christians, Kill One in Kaduna State, Nigeria

JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Suspected Fulani herdsmen stormed a church choir practice and kidnapped 17 Christians in north-central Nigeria the night of May 18, and the same night gunmen killed a Christian and kidnapped two others at a Baptist church, sources said. Each attack took place in Kaduna state, where assaults on Christians with impunity […]

Villagers in India Deprive Five Christian Families of Farmland, Food, Water

Villagers in India Deprive Five Christian Families of Farmland, Food, Water

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Village leaders in eastern India prohibited five Christian families from working on their farms or walking on the main road before district authorities this month revoked the order, sources said. Leaders of Banhardi village, in Jharkhand state’s Latehar District, told the five families in April to either convert back to […]

‘Equality Act’ Passed in US House Attempts to Use Federal Civil Rights Law to Eliminate Rights of Christians

‘Equality Act’ Passed in US House Attempts to Use Federal Civil Rights Law to Eliminate Rights of Christians

WASHINGTON — Under the guise of equality, a bill passed the United States House on Friday that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to federal civil rights law, and would preclude entities — including Christian organizations and others who do not want to participate in affirming sinful behavior — from living out their convictions in […]

Judge Rules NY Did Not Discriminate in Issuing Ultimatum to Christian Adoption Agency to Change Policy or Close

Judge Rules NY Did Not Discriminate in Issuing Ultimatum to Christian Adoption Agency to Change Policy or Close

ALBANY, N.Y. — A federal judge nominated to the bench by then-President Barack Obama has ruled that the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) did not discriminate or act with anti-religious bias when it issued an ultimatum to a Christian adoption agency to either change its policies in regard to only placing children […]