Christian in Myanmar Accused of Denigrating Buddhism

Christian in Myanmar Accused of Denigrating Buddhism

(Voice of the Martyrs) — A Christian accused of speaking against Buddhism has been told that a verdict will soon be delivered. Aung Tun Oo was accused by two radical Mahbahtah monks of denigrating Buddhism in 2017. Since the case was registered, Aung Tun Oo has been summoned to the court 54 times. A VOM […]

Christian Community Leader Murdered Alongside Son in Suspected Fulani Militant Attack

Christian Community Leader Murdered Alongside Son in Suspected Fulani Militant Attack

(Barnabas Fund) — Haruna Kuye, the community leader of a predominantly Christian village in southern Kaduna State, Nigeria, and his teenage son, Destiny Kuye, both Christians, were killed when armed men entered their home in the early hours of Nov. 17. Fulani militants are suspected of carrying out the brutal attack in Mazaki village, Zangon […]

Christian Leader Awaits Charges for Sending Bible Balloons to North Korea

Christian Leader Awaits Charges for Sending Bible Balloons to North Korea

South Korea (Mission Network News) — A believer awaits charges for launching Bible balloons from South Korea into North Korea. Last week, South Korean police recommended that prosecutors charge Eric Foley with Voice of the Martyrs Korea on three counts. “One of them is related to the violation of an inter-Korean exchange law. [This] is […]

North Korean Defector Fled Her Country to Worship God Freely

North Korean Defector Fled Her Country to Worship God Freely

 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – When she was 17 years old, the North Korean Christian Sookyung Kang fled from her repressive country because she wanted to be able to worship God with freedom. She shared her 3,000 mile journey to South Korea with Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) in a video interview, according to Christian […]

UN Resolution: ‘Serious Concerns’ About ‘Severe Limitations’ on Religious Freedom in Iran

UN Resolution: ‘Serious Concerns’ About ‘Severe Limitations’ on Religious Freedom in Iran

(Article18) — The UN’s General Assembly has passed a resolution expressing “serious concerns” about the situation of human rights in Iran, including “severe limitations” and “increasing restrictions” on religious freedom. The resolution, passed yesterday by 79 votes to 32, with 64 abstentions, calls on Iran to “eliminate, in law and in practice, all forms of […]

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