Freedom From Religion Foundation Asks Senator to Stop Posting Scripture on Sundays

Freedom From Religion Foundation Asks Senator to Stop Posting Scripture on Sundays

WASHINGTON — The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has sent a letter to U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy to request that he stop posting Scripture to his official social media accounts each week, asserting that the custom violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. “We write to request that you refrain from posting messages […]

Healthy Belgian Woman With Depression, Autism Deemed Eligible for Euthanasia: ‘I Cannot Find Peace of Mind’

Healthy Belgian Woman With Depression, Autism Deemed Eligible for Euthanasia: ‘I Cannot Find Peace of Mind’

ANTWERP, Belgium — Three doctors in Belgium have determined that a woman who is otherwise healthy but suffers from depression and autism is eligible under the country’s euthanasia laws to end her life. The woman had submitted a request to die years ago but says that she is “doing everything [she] can to live” while keeping the […]

Pro-Life Advocate Paints ‘Baby Lives Matter’ Mural Outside Charlotte Planned Parenthood

Pro-Life Advocate Paints ‘Baby Lives Matter’ Mural Outside Charlotte Planned Parenthood

(Breitbart) — A pro-life activist who protests abortion by painting the phrase “Baby Lives Matter” outside abortion clinics painted the slogan Wednesday again outside a Planned Parenthood facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Tayler Hansen painted the mural on the street outside the Planned Parenthood facility and then moved on to another abortion clinic known as […]

Russia Prosecuted 15 Evangelicals in First Half of 2020 for ‘Illegal Missionary Activity’

Russia Prosecuted 15 Evangelicals in First Half of 2020 for ‘Illegal Missionary Activity’

(Evangelical Focus) — At least 15 evangelical Christians have been punished in Russia between January and July 2020 for sharing their faith in non-authorized ways. All of them were prosecuted for violating the Administrative Code Article 5.26, Parts 4 and 5, passed in July 2016, which punishes “illegal missionary activity.” The religious freedom organization Forum […]

Half of Drug-Induced Abortions in Scotland Committed at Home, Figures Highest in a Decade

Half of Drug-Induced Abortions in Scotland Committed at Home, Figures Highest in a Decade

(Evangelical Focus) — 13,583 pregnancies were terminated in Scotland (UK) in the year 2019, 297 more than in 2018, official figures released in August showed. It is the second highest number of abortions ever, only below the figures of 2008. “Half of all terminations were to women in their twenties in 2019,” the report issued […]

BLM Co-Founder, LA Chapter Leader Discuss Group’s Occultic Practices of ‘Invoking Spirits,’ African ‘Ancestral Worship’

BLM Co-Founder, LA Chapter Leader Discuss Group’s Occultic Practices of ‘Invoking Spirits,’ African ‘Ancestral Worship’

In an interview posted to social media, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors, along with BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder Melina Abdullah, discussed the “spiritual” component of the movement, explaining the practices and “rituals” performed to remember and “invoke” the spirits of deceased African Americans. “We speak their names … [and] you kind of invoke […]

Appeals Court Rules Va. School District ‘Discriminated’ by Not Allowing Girl to Use Boys’ Restroom

Appeals Court Rules Va. School District ‘Discriminated’ by Not Allowing Girl to Use Boys’ Restroom

RICHMOND, Va. — A 2-1 panel with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has again ruled that a Virginia school district discriminated against a female student who identifies as male by declining to allow her to use the boys’ restroom. “[W]e hold that the board’s restroom policy constitutes sex-based discrimination and, independently, that transgender persons constitute […]

LA Children’s Hospital Consent Form: Youth on Puberty Blockers and Hormones ‘Will Not Have Biological Children’

LA Children’s Hospital Consent Form: Youth on Puberty Blockers and Hormones ‘Will Not Have Biological Children’

(California Family Council) — California state legislators lambasted their opponents in defense of a transgender healthcare bill (AB 2218) in a recent Senate hearing. Senate Health Committee members complained about receiving hundreds of calls from voters telling them not to support a bill that sterilizes children. Author Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) accused the opposition […]

Restraining Order Against John MacArthur’s Church Denied by Judge for the Fourth Time

Restraining Order Against John MacArthur’s Church Denied by Judge for the Fourth Time

  (The Signal) — A restraining order requested by Los Angeles County against the church led by John MacArthur, who is also the chancellor emeritus for The Master’s University and Seminary, has been denied by the judge. For a number of weeks, MacArthur’s church in Sun Valley, Grace Community Church, has been holding in-person services […]