Packers QB Aaron Rodgers: ‘I Don’t Know How You Can Believe in a God Who Wants to Condemn Most of the Planet to Hell’

Packers QB Aaron Rodgers: ‘I Don’t Know How You Can Believe in a God Who Wants to Condemn Most of the Planet to Hell’

During a recent interview with former NASCAR driver Danica Patrick, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers explained his upbringing in the church and his turning away, stating that he doesn’t agree with “binary systems” that divide the saved versus unsaved. He said that religion “can be something people have to have to make themselves feel […]

Leave Islam, Lose Family: A Common Choice in Western Uganda

Leave Islam, Lose Family: A Common Choice in Western Uganda

(International Christian Concern) – Abdallah Kule Josephat, who grew up in a strict Muslim household in Kamahango, Kasese District, Uganda, was forced to pack his belongings and leave his father’s home together with his wife, Biira Merciline, for leaving Islam. The couple’s world turned upside down in September 2019 when they realized that Islam was […]

Two Fla. Government Employees Sue State for Not Providing Coverage for ‘Sex Change’ Procedures

Two Fla. Government Employees Sue State for Not Providing Coverage for ‘Sex Change’ Procedures

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Two men who identify as female, and who work for state employers, have filed suit as their government insurance plan does not cover “sex change”-related procedures. “Gender-affirming care is medically necessary treatment for gender dysphoria, a medical condition codified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases,” the […]

Illinois Saw 7% Increase in Abortions in 2018: Over 42K Unborn Children Killed

Illinois Saw 7% Increase in Abortions in 2018: Over 42K Unborn Children Killed

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Illinois Department of Public Health has released its annual abortion statistics report, which shows an increase of 3,000 more unborn children murdered in their mother’s womb in 2018 compared to 2017. A total of 42,441 preborn babies were killed throughout the fiscal year. More than 36,000 of the mothers who obtained […]

UK Midwife Student Blocked From Work Placement Over Pro-Life Views

UK Midwife Student Blocked From Work Placement Over Pro-Life Views

(The Christian Institute) — A midwifery student is threatening legal action against her university after it cancelled her hospital placement over her pro-life views. Julia Rynkiewicz was suspended from her placement after a lecturer at the University of Nottingham reported her involvement with the university’s Students for Life society. Despite the allegations against her being […]

‘You Are Discriminating Against the Church’: Pastor in Belize Passionately Speaks Against Proposed ‘Equalities’ Bill

‘You Are Discriminating Against the Church’: Pastor in Belize Passionately Speaks Against Proposed ‘Equalities’ Bill

PUNTA GORDA — A pastor in Belize recently delivered an impassioned speech in opposition to a proposed bill that, while seeking to protect those who identify as homosexual or transgender, would actually discriminate against Christians in the public square. The pastor’s words were met with great enthusiasm by those gathered, as they often broke into cheers […]

Radical Feminists Torch German Journalist’s Car for Promoting Pro-Life March

Radical Feminists Torch German Journalist’s Car for Promoting Pro-Life March

(The Christian Institute) — Feminists have admitted destroying the car of a German journalist who endorsed a March for Life event. Gunnar Schupelius’ home address was publicized in a threatening blog post by Feministische Autonome Zelle (FAZ) and the group has also taken responsibility for damaging two churches. Schupelius is a columnist for the prominent […]

Vulgar ‘Abortion Is Normal’ Art Exhibit in NYC to Benefit Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee

Vulgar ‘Abortion Is Normal’ Art Exhibit in NYC to Benefit Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee

NEW YORK — A profane and vulgar art exhibit called “Abortion Is Normal” is on display in New York City, featuring paintings, photographs and other creations from over 60 abortion “rights” advocates, including the groups Shout Your Abortion and Thank God for Abortion. Proceeds from the event will fund advocacy efforts and voter influence via […]

Appeals Court Denies Male Inmate’s Request to Be Referred to as Female in Prison and Court Documents

Appeals Court Denies Male Inmate’s Request to Be Referred to as Female in Prison and Court Documents

NEW ORLEANS — The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has denied a male inmate’s request to have his Judgment of Confinement changed to reflect his chosen female name and that he would be addressed by the court with female pronouns. Norman Varner had plead guilty in 2012 to attempted receipt of child pornography and was […]