Chinese Christian Sentenced to 10 Days Detention for Street Evangelism

Chinese Christian Sentenced to 10 Days Detention for Street Evangelism

HENGYANG, Hunan (International Christian Concern) — On Aug. 3, a Christian in China’s Hunan province was sentenced by the authorities to 10 days in administrative detention for “illegal evangelism.” Chen Wensheng, who is part of the Xiaoqun Church in Hengyang, has often preached the gospel on the streets. He often carried a wooden cross that […]

Iranian Christians Sentenced to Prison for ‘Spreading Zionist Christianity’

Iranian Christians Sentenced to Prison for ‘Spreading Zionist Christianity’

(Article18) — Four Iranian Christian converts have received prison sentences of between two and five years for “acting against national security” by belonging to a house-church and “spreading Zionist Christianity”. Ramin Hassanpour was given a five-year sentence, Hadi (Moslem) Rahimi four years, while there were two-year sentences for Sakine (Mehri) Behjati and Ramin’s wife Saeede […]

Pakistani Court Sparks Outrage by Ruling 14-Year-Old Christian Girl Must Stay Married to Alleged Abductor

Pakistani Court Sparks Outrage by Ruling 14-Year-Old Christian Girl Must Stay Married to Alleged Abductor

(The Telegraph) — A Pakistani court has sparked outrage by ruling a 14-year-old Christian girl was legally married to a Muslim man who allegedly abducted her at gunpoint. In a case that has renewed focus on the persecution of Pakistan’s Christian minority, the Lahore High Court ruled on Tuesday that Maira Shahbaz had willingly converted […]

Christian Family in India Continues to Face Harassment From Villagers for Refusing to Recant Christ

Christian Family in India Continues to Face Harassment From Villagers for Refusing to Recant Christ

India (International Christian Concern) — On March 24, a Christian family was expelled from their village for refusing to deny their Christian faith in the Bellary district of India’s Karnataka state. After the expulsion, the Christian family was brutally attack by radical Hindu nationalists and were unable to return to the village for months. “I walked for […]

Christian Leaders Seek Justice After Murder of Pastor in India’s Punjab State

Christian Leaders Seek Justice After Murder of Pastor in India’s Punjab State

India (International Christian Concern) – According to UCA News, Christian leaders in India called for a further investigation into the attack on Balwinder Bagicha, a protestant pastor, who was found lying mortally wounded along the road in the Ferozepur district of India’s state of Punjab. Later in the day, on July 27, Pastor Bagicha died […]

Survey Shows Christians’ Desire for Pastors to Address Abortion, Homosexuality, Persecution From the Pulpit

Survey Shows Christians’ Desire for Pastors to Address Abortion, Homosexuality, Persecution From the Pulpit

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A survey conducted by D. James Kennedy Ministries, now led by Frank Wright, and sent to the ministry’s supporters, shows that the overwhelming majority want their pastors to address modern sins from the pulpit, such as abortion and homosexuality, as well as other current issues, such as persecution, the role of […]

Spanish Christian Police and Psychologists Collaborate in Suicide Prevention

Spanish Christian Police and Psychologists Collaborate in Suicide Prevention

(Evangelical Focus) — The Spanish Christian Association of Police, Military, Emergencies and Security, Mission 365, and the Christian Police Coordinating committee (CPC), have signed a collaboration agreement with the Association of Christian Psychologists of Latin America (APC). These entities have a long history of working in suicide prevention with all kinds of security forces, so […]

Christian Ministry Helping Homosexuals Has Bank Accounts Closed Following Harassment Campaign

Christian Ministry Helping Homosexuals Has Bank Accounts Closed Following Harassment Campaign

 (Christian Concern) — A Christian ministry is being targeted by activists because it offers help to people who want to move away from same-sex attraction or behaviors. Core Issues Trust (CIT) is a non-profit Christian ministry that supports men and women who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression. Led by Mike Davidson, […]