Christian Dragged Out of Home, Murdered in Jharkhand State, India

Christian Dragged Out of Home, Murdered in Jharkhand State, India

KHUNTI, Jharkhand (Church in Chains) — On June 7, a group of armed religious extremists attacked and murdered 27-year-old Christian Kande Mudu in Bari village, Khunti District in Jharkhand state. The murder took place only three days after Hindu extremists in Odisha state murdered Christian teenager Samaru Madkami. At approximately 8 p.m., Kande (also known […]

Three Iranian Christians Behind Bars Have Sentences Reduced, but Not Overturned

Three Iranian Christians Behind Bars Have Sentences Reduced, but Not Overturned

(Article 18) — Three Christian converts currently serving 10-year sentences in Tehran’s Evin Prison have had their sentences reduced at a retrial, but they are still facing years in prison and exile. Yousef Nadarkhani and Zaman (Saheb) Fadaee’s sentences have been reduced to six years, and Mohammadreza (Youhan) Omidi’s to two years, meaning he will […]

City of Boston, Which Rejected Group’s Request to Fly Christian Flag, Holds Homosexual Pride Flag Raising

City of Boston, Which Rejected Group’s Request to Fly Christian Flag, Holds Homosexual Pride Flag Raising

BOSTON — The City of Boston held a virtual flag-raising ceremony on June 5 to commence the 50th annual Boston Pride Week, celebrating the sins of homosexuality and bisexuality. Boston remains embroiled in a federal lawsuit after it denied a private group’s request to fly the Christian flag over City Hall during their temporary event […]

‘New Movement’ of Local Pakistani Christians Stepping Up as Fewer Foreign Missionaries Working in Country

‘New Movement’ of Local Pakistani Christians Stepping Up as Fewer Foreign Missionaries Working in Country

Pakistan (Mission Network News) — Two things are true of the Pakistani Church. First, locals are more open than ever to the Gospel message. Second, there are fewer and fewer foreign missionaries there to answer the call. According to Jonathan, a Christian worker focused in Pakistan, local interest in the Gospel partly stems from a […]

Two Christian Pastors Attacked in Northeast India Amid COVID Pandemic

Two Christian Pastors Attacked in Northeast India Amid COVID Pandemic

(International Christian Concern) – On May 9, Tirpan Oraon was brutally attacked by his younger brother, an attack reportedly instigated by radical Hindu nationalists. On May 31, another pastor was assaulted while distributing COVID-19 food relief. Both of the incidents occurred in Jharkhand, a state located in northeastern India, where Christians have faced increased hostility […]

Police Unresponsive or Hostile Toward Christians Beaten in Jharkhand, India

Police Unresponsive or Hostile Toward Christians Beaten in Jharkhand, India

HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Police in Jharkhand, India refused to register a complaint about an attack that sent Christians to the hospital for treatment, while officers in another area falsely accused the victims’ relatives in an assault that left a woman unconscious, sources said. A mob of about 400 animists of the tribal Sarna religion […]

Public Inquiry Into Disappeared Christian Couple to Resume

Public Inquiry Into Disappeared Christian Couple to Resume

Malaysia (International Christian Concern) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) will resume the public inquiry into the disappearance of Pastor Joshua Hilmy and his Indonesian wife Ruth, who were last seen in November 2016, once the conditional movement control order (CMCO) is lifted. According to Suhakam Commissioner Jerald Joseph, they would first wait […]

Jihadists Kill 58 People Within 24 Hours in Attacks Targeting Christians in Burkina Faso

Jihadists Kill 58 People Within 24 Hours in Attacks Targeting Christians in Burkina Faso

(Barnabas Aid) — Christians were among those targeted and killed when armed jihadists launched three separate attacks within 24 hours in Burkina Faso that left at least 58 dead. … A Barnabas contact reported that it was clear from the testimony of a survivor that the militants were targeting Christians and humanitarians taking food to […]